Source code for fornax.opt

import numpy as np
from itertools import starmap
from typing import List

def _proximity(h: float, alpha: float, distances: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Calculates the proximity factor P for an array of distances.
    Implements equation 1 in the paper

        h {float} -- max hopping distance
        alpha {float} -- propagation factor
        distances {np.array} -- array of hopping distances

        ValueError -- if hopping distance is less than zero
        ValueError -- if propagation factor is not between zero and one

        np.array -- an array of proximiy values

    if h < 0:
        raise ValueError('hopping distance h cannot be negative')
    if not 0 < alpha <= 1:
        raise ValueError('propagation factor alpha must be between 0 and 1')
    return np.multiply(
        np.less_equal(distances, h),
        np.power(alpha, distances)

def _delta_plus(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Comparator function. Equation 3 in the paper.

        x {np.array} -- an array of floats
        y {np.array} -- an array of floats

        np.array -- an array of floats

    return np.multiply(
        np.greater(x, y),
        np.subtract(x, y)

[docs]def group_by(columns, arr): """Split an array into n slices where 'columns' are all equal within each slice Arguments: columns {List[str]} -- a list of column names arr {np.array} -- a numpy structured array Returns keys: np.array -- the column values uniquly identifying each group groups: List[np.array] -- a list of numpy arrays """ if not len(columns): raise ValueError("group_by requires a non empty list of column names") _, counts = np.unique(arr[columns], return_counts=True) indices = np.insert(np.cumsum(counts), 0, 0) split = np.split(arr, indices) filtered = list(filter(lambda x: len(x), split)) keys = map(lambda x: x[columns][0].tolist(), filtered) stacked = np.vstack(v for v in keys) return stacked, filtered
[docs]def group_by_first(columns, arr): """ Split an array into n slices where 'columns' all compare equal within each slide Take the first row of each slice Combine each of the rows into a single array through concatination Arguments: columns {[str]} -- a list of column names arr {[type]} -- a numpy structured array Returns: np.array - new concatinated array """ _, counts = np.unique(arr[columns], return_counts=True) indices = np.cumsum(np.insert(counts, 0, 0))[:-1] return arr[indices]
[docs]class Base(np.recarray): """A Base class for subclassing numpy record arrays Returns: np.recarray -- A subclass of np.recarray """ columns = [] types = [] def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): dtype = list(zip(cls.columns, cls.types)) a = np.array([tuple(row) for row in args[0]], dtype=dtype) return a.view(cls)
[docs]class QueryResult(Base): """Represents a query from the database as a numpy rec array""" columns = 'v u vv uu dist_v dist_u weight'.split() types = [np.int64, np.int64, np.int64, np.int64, np.float32, np.float32, np.float32] @property def v(self): """Get column v Returns: np.ndarray -- array of query node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'v') @property def u(self): """Get column u Returns: np.ndarray -- array of target node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'u') @property def vv(self): """Get column vv - written v prime (v') in the paper where v' is a query node within hopping distance h of query node v Returns: np.ndarray -- array of query node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'vv') @property def uu(self): """Get column uu - written u prime (u') in the paper where u' is a target node within hopping distance h of target node u values less than zero indicate that uu (u') has no corresponding matches to any node v' Returns: np.ndarray -- array of target node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'uu') @property def dist_v(self): """The hopping distance between query node v and query node vv (v') Returns: np.ndarray -- array of hopping distances as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'dist_v') @property def dist_u(self): """The hopping distance between target node u and target node uu (u') Returns: np.ndarray -- array of hopping distances as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'dist_u') @property def weight(self): """String matching score between uu (u') and vv (v') Returns: np.ndarray -- array of floating point weights """ return getattr(super(), 'weight') def __repr__(self): return 'QueryResult(records={}, dtypes={})'.format( [record for record in self], self.types )
[docs]class NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts(Base): """Represents a table of all valid neighbourhood matching costs""" columns = 'v u vv uu cost'.split() types = [np.int64, np.int64, np.int64, np.int64, np.float32] def __getitem__(self, indx): """Get the row representing the neighbourhood matching costs at index "indx" Arguments: indx {int, slice} -- index into the table Returns: NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts -- NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts sliced by indx """ return super().__getitem__(indx) @property def v(self): """Get column v Returns: np.ndarray -- array of query node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'v') @property def u(self): """Get column u Returns: np.ndarray -- array of target node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'u') @property def vv(self): """Get column vv - written v prime (v') in the paper where v' is a query node within hopping distance h of query node v Returns: np.ndarray -- array of query node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'vv') @property def uu(self): """Get column uu - written u prime (u') in the paper where u' is a target node within hopping distance h of target node u Returns: np.ndarray -- array of target node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'uu') @property def cost(self): """Get column cost - all valid neighbourhood matching costs. Eq 2 in the paper - multiplied by 1 - lambda Returns: np.ndarray -- array of costs and floats """ return getattr(super(), 'cost') def __repr__(self): return 'NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts(records={}, dtypes={})'.format( [record for record in self], self.types )
[docs]class PartialMatchingCosts(Base): """ A table representing all valid partial matching costs """ columns = 'v u vv cost'.split() types = [np.int64, np.int64, np.int64, np.float32] @property def v(self): """Get column v Returns: np.ndarray -- array of query node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'v') @property def u(self): """Get column u Returns: np.ndarray -- array of target node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'u') @property def vv(self): """Get column vv - written v prime (v') in the paper where v' is a query node within hopping distance h of query node v Returns: np.ndarray -- array of query node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'uu') @property def cost(self): """Get column cost - all valid partial matching costs. Eq 13 in the paper (W) - but with beta multiplied by a factor of 1 - lambda Returns: np.ndarray -- array of costs as floats """ return getattr(super(), 'cost') def __repr__(self): return 'PartialMatchingCosts(records={}, dtypes={})'.format( [record for record in self], self.types )
[docs]class InferenceCost(Base): """ A table representing all valid inference costs between query node u and target node v""" columns = 'v u cost'.split() types = [np.int64, np.int64, np.float32] @property def v(self): """Get column v Returns: np.ndarray -- array of query node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'v') @property def u(self): """Get column u Returns: np.ndarray -- array of target node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'u') @property def cost(self): """Get column cost - all valid inference costs for query node v and target node u. Eq 14 in the paper (U) Returns: np.ndarray -- array of costs as floats """ return getattr(super(), 'cost') def __repr__(self): return 'InferenceCost(records={}, dtypes={})'.format( [record for record in self], self.types )
[docs]class OptimalMatch(Base): """Table representing the cost of the optimal match for query node v going to u""" columns = 'v u cost'.split() types = [np.int64, np.int64, np.float32] @property def v(self): """Get column v Returns: np.ndarray -- array of query node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'v') @property def u(self): """Get column u Returns: np.ndarray -- array of target node ids as integers """ return getattr(super(), 'u') @property def cost(self): """Get column cost - the optimal matching cost for u going to v. Eq 10 in the paper (O) Returns: np.ndarray -- array of costs as floats """ return getattr(super(), 'cost')
# TODO: This seems a big ugly as a class and not consistent with the rest # of the code
[docs]class Refiner: """Take each of the matches and recursivly find all of their neighbours via a greedy algorithm""" def __init__( self, neighbourhood_matching_costs: NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts): """Initialise a refiner using a Frame instance For each pair (v, u) find the lowest cost adjacent pair (vv, uu) Arguments: frame {[Frame]} -- A frame constructed records returned by the database """ # group all of the pairs (v, u) matches = {tuple(k): v for k, v in zip( *group_by(['v', 'u'], neighbourhood_matching_costs))} # get the costs cost neighbouring pair (vv, uu) neighbours = { k: group_by_first(['v', 'u', 'vv'], v)[['vv', 'uu']].tolist() for k, v in matches.items() } self.neighbours = { k: [item for item in v if self.valid_neighbours(k, item)] for k, v in neighbours.items() } def __call__(self, seed, result): """Given a pair v, u, greedily find the lowest cost neighbours recursivly covering the whole graph without cyclic paths Arguments: seed {[int, int]} -- u, v pair Keyword Arguments: result {[int, int]} -- stores the result between recursive calls (default: {None}) Returns: [type] -- List of query_node, target_node id pairs constituting a result """ # To not add a new result if we've already visited this query node if seed[0] in set(query_node for query_node, target_node in result): return # Now do the same for all the neighbours of the new result result += [seed] for neighbour in self.neighbours[seed]: self(neighbour, result) return
[docs] @staticmethod def valid_neighbours(first: tuple, second: tuple): """Function that governs a valid hop between nodes Arguments: first {int, int} -- source query_node, target_node id pair second {int, int} -- target query_node, target_node id pair Returns: Bool -- True is a valid transition """ # transitions to self are not valid if first == second: return False # transitions to missing target nodes are not valid if any(u < 0 for u in second): return False return True
def _get_matching_costs( records: List[tuple], hopping_distance, lmbda=.3, alpha=.3, ): """Create a table of matching costs from a table of query results using equation 2 Equivalent to the first term of equation 13 Returns: NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts -- table of all valid matching costs QueryResult -- query result as a numpy rec array rather than a list of tuples """ # convert NaN records into negative numbers so they can be stored as ints # using numpy query_result = QueryResult( [ tuple(item if item is not None else -1 for item in tup) for tup in records ] ) # label costs are weights in the databse query_result.weight = 1. - query_result.weight query_result = np.sort(query_result, order=[ 'v', 'u', 'vv', 'uu', 'weight']) nan_idx = query_result.dist_u < 0 dist_u = query_result.dist_u dist_u[nan_idx] = hopping_distance + 1 # convert hopping distances into proximities (eq. 1) prox_v = _proximity(hopping_distance, alpha, query_result.dist_v) prox_u = _proximity(hopping_distance, alpha, dist_u) cost = _delta_plus(prox_v, prox_u) cost *= (1. - lmbda) arr = np.unique( np.rec.fromarrays( (query_result.v, query_result.vv, prox_v), dtype=[('v', np.int64), ('vv', np.int64), ('prox_v', float)] ), axis=0 ) vs, groups = group_by('v', arr) beta_ = {v[0]: sum(group['prox_v']) for v, group in zip(vs, groups)} beta = np.vectorize(lambda x: beta_[x]) neighbourhood_matching_costs = np.rec.fromarrays([ query_result.v, query_result.u, query_result.vv, query_result.uu, cost ], dtype=list(zip( NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts.columns, NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts.types )) ).view(NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts) return neighbourhood_matching_costs, query_result, beta def _get_partial_inference_costs( neighbourhood_matching_costs: NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts, beta ) -> PartialMatchingCosts: """get the lowest cost neighbourhood matching cost for each partial match Arguments: neighbourhood_matching_costs {NeighbourHoodMatchingCosts} -- sorted neighbourhood_matching_costs Returns: PartialMatchingCosts """ grouped = group_by_first(['v', 'u', 'vv'], neighbourhood_matching_costs) partial_matching_costs = np.rec.fromarrays([ grouped.v, grouped.u, grouped.vv, grouped.cost ], dtype=list(zip( PartialMatchingCosts.columns, PartialMatchingCosts.types )) ).view(PartialMatchingCosts) partial_matching_costs.cost /= beta(partial_matching_costs.v) return partial_matching_costs def _get_inference_costs( partial_matching_costs: PartialMatchingCosts) -> InferenceCost: """sum partial matching cost for each query node target node pair (v, u) Arguments: partial_matching_costs {PartialMatchingCosts} -- sorted partial_matching_costs Returns: InferenceCost """ # TODO: inference_costs include the label weight keys, groups = group_by(['v', 'u'], partial_matching_costs) summed = starmap( lambda key, group: (key[0], key[1], np.sum(group.cost) / len(group)), zip(keys, groups) ) return InferenceCost(summed) def _get_optimal_match(inference_costs: InferenceCost) -> OptimalMatch: """Get the lowest cost match for each query node v Arguments: inference_costs {InferenceCost} -- sorted inference costs Returns: OptimalMatch """ return group_by_first('v', inference_costs)
[docs]def solve(records: List[tuple], max_iters=10, hopping_distance=2): """Generate a set of subgraph matches and costs from a query result Arguments: records {List[tuple]} """ # initialisation finished, iters = False, 0 prv_optimum_match = None neighbourhood_matching_costs, query_result, beta = _get_matching_costs( records, hopping_distance) # keep a copy for successive iterations neighbourhood_matching_costs_cpy = neighbourhood_matching_costs.copy() label_costs = { (record.v, record.u): record.weight for record in query_result } label_costs_func = np.vectorize(lambda x: label_costs.get(tuple(x))) while True: # first optimisation neighbourhood_matching_costs = np.sort( neighbourhood_matching_costs, order=['v', 'u', 'vv', 'cost'], axis=0 ) partial_inference_costs = _get_partial_inference_costs( neighbourhood_matching_costs, beta) inference_costs = _get_inference_costs(partial_inference_costs) additional_costs = np.array([label_costs.get(tuple(x)) for x in inference_costs[['v', 'u']]], dtype=np.float32) inference_costs.cost += additional_costs # second optimisation inference_costs = np.sort(inference_costs, order=['v', 'cost']) optimum_match = _get_optimal_match(inference_costs) inference_costs_dict = { (record.v, record.u): record.cost for record in inference_costs} apply = np.vectorize( lambda x: inference_costs_dict.get(tuple(x), iters)) neighbourhood_matching_costs = neighbourhood_matching_costs_cpy.copy() neighbourhood_matching_costs.cost += apply( neighbourhood_matching_costs[['vv', 'uu']]) iters += 1 # test for convergance if prv_optimum_match is not None: diff = prv_optimum_match[['v', 'u']] == optimum_match[['v', 'u']] finished = (sum(diff) / len(optimum_match)) > .9 if finished: break prv_optimum_match = optimum_match if iters >= max_iters: break neighbourhood_matching_costs = np.sort( neighbourhood_matching_costs, order=['v', 'u', 'vv', 'cost'], axis=0 ) refine = Refiner(neighbourhood_matching_costs) # normalise inference costs by the number of iterations inference_costs.cost /= iters inference_costs_dict = { (record.v, record.u): record.cost for record in inference_costs} inference_costs = np.sort(inference_costs, order=['cost']) subgraph_matches = [] for seed in inference_costs[['v', 'u']]: subgraph_match = [] refine(tuple(seed), subgraph_match) subgraph_match = sorted(subgraph_match) if subgraph_match not in subgraph_matches: subgraph_matches.append(subgraph_match) target_edges = group_by_first(['u', 'uu', 'dist_u'], query_result)[ ['u', 'uu', 'dist_u']] mask = target_edges['dist_u'] > 0 mask *= target_edges['dist_u'] <= 1 mask *= target_edges['u'] < target_edges['uu'] mask > 0 target_edges = np.sort(target_edges[mask]) return inference_costs_dict, subgraph_matches, iters, len( optimum_match), target_edges