Source code for fornax.api

import fornax.opt
import sqlalchemy
import itertools
import collections
import json
import os
import sys
import hashlib

import typing
from sqlalchemy import event
from contextlib import contextmanager
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
import fornax.model as model

# TODO: sqlalchemy database integrity exceptions are not caught by the API

# enforce foreign key constrains in SQLite
@event.listens_for(Engine, "connect")
def _set_sqlite_pragma(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
    dialect_name =
    if dialect_name != 'sqlite':
    cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON")

def _hash(item: str, maxsize=sys.maxsize) -> int:
    """An unsalted hash function with a range between 0 and maxsize

    :param item: string or string like object that is accepted by builtin
    function `str`
    :type item: str
    param maxsize: maximum value of returned integer
    :type maxsize: int
    :return: hash between 0 and maxsize
    :rtype: int
    if isinstance(item, int):
        return item % maxsize
        return int(
            hashlib.sha256(str(item).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16
        ) % maxsize

[docs]class Connection: """ Create a new database connection. If the database is empty :class:`Connection` will create any missing schema. Currrently sqlite and postgresql are activly supported as backend databases. In addition to the open/close syntax, Connection supports the context manager syntax where the context is treaded as a transaction. Any changes will be automatically rolled back in the event of an exception:: with Connection("postgres:://user/") as conn: graph = fornax.GraphHandle.create(conn) :param url: dialect[+driver]://user:password@host/dbname[?key=value..] :type url: str """ SQLITE_MAX_SIZE = 2**63 - 1 def __init__(self, url, **kwargs): self.url = url self.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self.url, **kwargs) self.make_session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) self.maxsize = sys.maxsize if self.url.startswith('sqlite'): self.maxsize = self.SQLITE_MAX_SIZE
[docs] def open(self): """ Open the fornax database connection and create any absent tables and indicies """ self.connection = self.engine.connect() fornax.model.Base.metadata.create_all(self.connection)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the fornax database connection and free any connections in the connection pool """ self.connection.close()
def __enter__(self): self.session = self.make_session() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, traceback): if exc_type is not None: # rollback the session and raise the recieved exception self.session.rollback() self.session.close() return False # otherwise end the transaction and close the connection self.session.commit() self.session.close() self.close() def _hash(self, item: str) -> int: """An unsalted hash function with a range between 0 and self.maxsize :param item: string or string like object that is accepted by builtin function `str` :type item: str :return: hash between 0 and self.maxsize :rtype: int """ return _hash(item, self.maxsize)
[docs]class InvalidNodeError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str): """This exception will be raised if invalid Nodes are found to be inserted into the database :param message: Description of the failed criteria :type message: str """ super().__init__(message)
[docs]class InvalidEdgeError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str): """This exception will be raised if invalid Edges are found to be inserted into the database :param message: Description of the failed criteria :type message: str """ super().__init__(message)
[docs]class InvalidMatchError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str): """This exception will be raised if invalid Matches are found to be inserted into the database :param message: Description of the failed criteria :type message: str """ super().__init__(message)
[docs]class NullValue: """ A dummy nul value that will cause an exception when serialised to json """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class Node: """Representation of a Node use internally by QueryHandle :param node_id: unique id of a node :type node_id: int :param node_type: either `source` or `target` :type node_type: str :param meta: meta data to attach to a node to be json serialised :type meta: dict :raises ValueError: Raised is type is not either `source` or `target` """ __slots__ = ['id', 'type', 'meta'] def __init__(self, node_id: int, node_type: str, meta: dict): if node_type not in ('query', 'target'): raise ValueError('Nodes must be of type "query", "target"') = node_id self.type = node_type self.meta = meta def __eq__(self, other): return (, self.type, self.meta) == (, other.type, other.meta) def __repr__(self): return '<Node(id={}, type={}, meta={})>'.format(, self.type, self.meta) def __lt__(self, other): return (self.type, < (other.type,
[docs]class Edge: """Representation of an Edge used internally be QueryHandle :param start: id of start node :type start: int :param end: id of end node :type end: int :param edge_type: either query target or match :type edge_type: str :param meta: dictionary of edge metadata to be json serialised :type meta: dict :param weight: weight between 0 and 1, defaults to 1. :raises ValueError: Raised if type is not `query`, `target` or `match` """ __slots__ = ['start', 'end', 'type', 'meta', 'weight'] def __init__( self, start: int, end: int, edge_type: str, meta: dict, weight=1. ): if edge_type not in ('query', 'target', 'match'): raise ValueError( 'Edges must be of type "query", "target", "match"' ) self.start = start self.end = end self.type = edge_type self.meta = meta self.weight = weight def __eq__(self, other): return (self.type, self.start, self.end, self.meta) == ( other.type, other.start, other.end, other.meta) def __lt__(self, other): return (self.type, self.start, self.end) < ( other.type, other.start, other.end) def __repr__(self): return '<Edge(start={}, end={}, type={}, meta={})>'.format( self.start, self.end, self.type, self.meta )
[docs]class GraphHandle: """ Create a handle to an existing graph with id *graph_id* accessed via *connection*. :param connection: fornax database connection :type connection: Connection :param graph_id: unique id for an existing graph :type graph_id: int """ def __init__(self, connection: Connection, graph_id: int): self._graph_id = graph_id self.conn = connection self._check_exists() def __len__(self): """Return the number of nodes in the graph :return: node count :rtype: int """ with session_scope() as session: count = session.query(model.Node).filter( model.Node.graph_id == self._graph_id ).count() return count def __repr__(self): return '<GraphHandle(graph_id={})>'.format(self._graph_id) def __eq__(self, other): return self.graph_id == other.graph_id @property def graph_id(self): """Get the unique id for this graph Graph id's are automaticly assigned at creation time. """ return self._graph_id
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, connection: Connection): """Create a new empty graph via *connection* and return a GraphHandle to it :param connection: a fornax database connection :type connection: Connection :return: GraphHandle to a new graph :rtype: GraphHandle """ query = connection.session.query( sqlalchemy.func.max(model.Graph.graph_id) ).first() graph_id = query[0] if graph_id is None: graph_id = 0 else: graph_id += 1 connection.session.add(model.Graph(graph_id=graph_id)) connection.session.commit() return GraphHandle(connection, graph_id)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, connection: Connection, graph_id: int): """Create a new GraphHandle to an existing graph with unique identifier `graph_id` :param connection: a fornax database connection :type connection: Connection :param graph_id: unique identifier for an existing graph :type graph_id: int :return: A new graph handle to an existing graph :rtype: GraphHandle """ return GraphHandle(connection, graph_id)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this graph. Delete the graph accessed through graph handle and all of the associated nodes and edges. """ self._check_exists() self.conn.session.query( model.Edge ).filter(model.Edge.graph_id == self._graph_id).delete() self.conn.session.query( model.Node ).filter(model.Node.graph_id == self._graph_id).delete() self.conn.session.query( model.Graph ).filter(model.Graph.graph_id == self._graph_id).delete() self.conn.session.commit()
def _check_exists(self): exists = self.conn.session.query(sqlalchemy.exists().where( model.Graph.graph_id == self._graph_id )).scalar() if not exists: raise ValueError( 'cannot read graph with graph id: {}'.format(self._graph_id) )
[docs] def add_nodes(self, **kwargs): """Append nodes to a graph :param id_src: An iterable of unique hashable identifiers, default None :type id_src: Iterable Keyword arguments can be used to attached arbitrary JSON serialised metadata to each node:: # create 3 nodes with ids: 0, 1, 2 # and names 'Anne', 'Ben', 'Charles' graph_handle.add_nodes(names=['Anne', 'Ben', 'Charles']) By default, each node will be assigned a sequential integer id starting from 0. A custom id can be assigned using the *id_src* keyword provided that all of the ids are hashable:: # create 3 nodes with ids: 'Anne', 'Ben', 'Charles' # and no explicit name field graph_handle.add_nodes(id_src=['Anne', 'Ben', 'Charles']) .. note:: *id* is a reserved keyword argument which will raise an exception """ keys = kwargs.keys() if not len(keys): raise ValueError( 'add_nodes requires at least one keyword argument' ) if 'id' in keys: raise(ValueError('id is a reserved node attribute \ which cannot be assigned')) if kwargs.get('id_src') is not None: id_src = kwargs['id_src'] zipped = itertools.zip_longest( *kwargs.values(), fillvalue=NullValue() ) zipped = itertools.zip_longest( id_src, zipped, fillvalue=NullValue() ) else: zipped = enumerate( itertools.zip_longest(*kwargs.values(), fillvalue=NullValue()) ) nodes = ( model.Node( node_id=self.conn._hash(node_id), graph_id=self.graph_id, meta=json.dumps({key: val for key, val in zip(keys, values)}) ) for node_id, values in zipped ) nodes = self._check_nodes(nodes) self.conn.session.add_all(nodes) self.conn.session.commit()
[docs] def add_edges( self, sources: typing.Iterable, targets: typing.Iterable, **kwargs ): """Append edges to a graph representing relationships between nodes :param sources: node id_src :type sources: typing.Iterable :param targets: node id_src :type targets: typing.Iterable Keyword arguments can be used to attach metadata to the edges. For example to add three edges with a relationship attribute friend or foe:: graph_handle.add_edges( sources=[0, 1, 2], targets=[1, 2, 0], relationship=['friend', 'friend', 'foe'] ) Keyword arguments can be used to attach any arbitrary JSON serialisable data to edges. .. note:: The following reserved keywords are not reserved and will raise an exception * *start* * *end* * *type* * *weight* """ keys = kwargs.keys() if 'start' in keys: raise( ValueError('start is a reserved node attribute \ which cannot be assigned using kwargs')) if 'end' in keys: raise(ValueError('end is a reserved node attribute \ which cannot be assigned using kwargs')) if 'type' in keys: raise(ValueError('type is a reserved node attribute \ which cannot be assigned using kwargs')) if 'weight' in keys: raise(ValueError('weight is a reserved node attribute \ which cannot be assigned using kwargs')) hashed_sources = map(self.conn._hash, sources) hashed_targets = map(self.conn._hash, targets) zipped = itertools.zip_longest( hashed_sources, hashed_targets, *kwargs.values(), fillvalue=NullValue() ) edges = itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( model.Edge( start=start, end=end, graph_id=self._graph_id, meta=json.dumps( {key: val for key, val in zip(keys, values)} )), model.Edge( start=end, end=start, graph_id=self._graph_id, meta=json.dumps( {key: val for key, val in zip(keys, values)} )) ) for start, end, *values in zipped ) edges = self._check_edges(edges) self.conn.session.add_all(edges) self.conn.session.commit()
def _check_nodes(self, nodes) -> typing.Generator: """Guard against invalid nodes by raising an InvalidNodeError for forbidden node parameters :param nodes: An iterable of Nodes :type nodes: typing.Iterable[model.Node] :raises InvalidNodeError: Raised when Node.node_id is not an integer :raises InvalidNodeError: Raised when Node.node_id is larger than MAX_INT :return: Yield each node if there are no uncaught exceptions :rtype: typing.Generator[model.Node, None, None] """ for node in nodes: try: node_id = int(node.node_id) except ValueError: raise InvalidNodeError( '{}, node_id must be an integer'.format(node) ) if node_id > self.conn.maxsize and self.conn.startswith('sqlite'): raise InvalidNodeError('node id {} is too large'.format(node)) yield node @staticmethod def _check_edges(edges: typing.Iterable[model.Edge]) -> typing.Generator: """Guard against invalid edges by raising an InvalidEdgeError for forbidden edge parameters :param edges: An iterable of Edges :type edges: typing.List[model.Edge] :raises InvalidEdgeError: Raised if edge start or edge end is not an int :raises InvalidEdgeError: Raised if edge start and edge end are the same :return: Yield each edge if there are no uncaught exceptions :rtype: typing.Generator[model.Edge, None, None] """ for edge in edges: try: start, end = int(edge.start), int(edge.end) except ValueError: raise InvalidEdgeError( '{}, edge start and end must be integers'.format(edge) ) if start == end: raise InvalidEdgeError( '{}, edges must start and end on different nodes'.format( edge ) ) yield edge
[docs]class QueryHandle: """Create a handle to an existing query via *connection* with unique id *query_id*. :param connection: a fornax database connection :type connection: Connection :param query_id: unique id for an existing query :type query_id: int """ def __init__(self, connection: Connection, query_id: int): self.query_id = query_id self.conn = connection self._check_exists() def __eq__(self, other): return self.query_id == other.query_id def __len__(self): """Return the number of matches in the query Returns: {int} -- Count of matching edges """ self._check_exists() count = self.conn.session.query(model.Match).filter( model.Match.query_id == self.query_id).count() return count def _check_exists(self): """Raise a value error is the query had been deleted Raises: ValueError -- Raised if the query had been deleted """ exists = self.conn.session.query(model.Query).filter( model.Query.query_id == self.query_id ).scalar() if not exists: raise ValueError( 'cannot read query with query id {}'.format(self.query_id) )
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, connection: Connection, query_graph: GraphHandle, target_graph: GraphHandle ): """Create a new query and return a QueryHandle for it :param connection: a fornax database connection :type connection: Connection :param query_graph: subgraph to find target graph :type query_graph: GraphHandle :param target_graph: Graph to be searched :type target_graph: GraphHandle :return: new QueryHandle :rtype: QueryHandle """ query_id = connection.session.query( sqlalchemy.func.max(model.Query.query_id) ).first()[0] if query_id is None: query_id = 0 else: query_id += 1 new_query = model.Query( query_id=query_id, start_graph_id=query_graph.graph_id, end_graph_id=target_graph.graph_id ) connection.session.add(new_query) connection.session.commit() return QueryHandle(connection, query_id)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, connection: Connection, query_id: int): """Create a new QueryHandle to an existing query with unique id *query_id* via *connection*. :param connection: a fornax database connection :type connection: Connection :param query_id: unique identifier for a query :type query_id: int :return: new QueryHandle :rtype: QueryHandle """ return QueryHandle(connection, query_id)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this query and any associated matches """ self._check_exists() self.conn.session.query(model.Match).filter( model.Match.query_id == self.query_id ).delete() self.conn.session.query(model.Query).filter( model.Query.query_id == self.query_id ).delete() self.conn.session.commit()
[docs] def query_graph(self) -> GraphHandle: """Get a QueryHandle for the query graph :return: query graph :rtype: GraphHandle """ self._check_exists() start_graph = self.conn.session.query( model.Graph ).join( model.Query, model.Graph.graph_id == model.Query.start_graph_id ).filter(model.Query.query_id == self.query_id).first() graph_id = start_graph.graph_id return GraphHandle(self.conn, graph_id)
[docs] def target_graph(self) -> GraphHandle: """Get a QueryHandle for the target graph :return: target graph :rtype: GraphHandle """ self._check_exists() end_graph = self.conn.session.query( model.Graph ).join( model.Query, model.Graph.graph_id == model.Query.end_graph_id ).filter(model.Query.query_id == self.query_id).first() graph_id = end_graph.graph_id return GraphHandle(self.conn, graph_id)
[docs] def add_matches( self, sources: typing.Iterable[int], targets: typing.Iterable[int], weights: typing.Iterable[float], **kwargs ): """Add matches between the query graph and the target graph :param sources: Iterable of `src_id` in the query graph :type sources: typing.Iterable[int] :param targets: Iterable of `src_id` in the target graph :type targets: typing.Iterable[int] :param weights: Iterable of weights between 0 and 1 :type weights: typing.Iterable[float] For example, to add matches between * node *0* in the query graph and node *0* in the target graph \ with weight *.9* * node *0* in the query graph and node *1* in the target graph \ with weight *.1* then:: query.add_matches([0, 0], [0, 1], [.9, .1]) .. note:: Adding weights that compare equal to zero will raise an exception. """ self._check_exists() keys = kwargs.keys() if 'start' in keys: raise(ValueError('start is a reserved node attribute \ which cannot be assigned using kwargs')) if 'end' in keys: raise(ValueError('end is a reserved node attribute \ which cannot be assigned using kwargs')) if 'type' in keys: raise(ValueError('type is a reserved node attribute \ which cannot be assigned using kwargs')) if 'weight' in keys: raise(ValueError('weight is a reserved node attribute \ which cannot be assigned using kwargs')) hashed_sources = map(self.conn._hash, sources) hashed_targetes = map(self.conn._hash, targets) zipped = itertools.zip_longest( hashed_sources, hashed_targetes, weights, *kwargs.values(), fillvalue=NullValue() ) query_graph = self.query_graph() target_graph = self.target_graph() matches = ( model.Match( start=start, end=end, start_graph_id=query_graph.graph_id, end_graph_id=target_graph.graph_id, query_id=self.query_id, weight=weight, meta=json.dumps({key: val for key, val in zip(keys, values)}) ) for start, end, weight, *values in zipped ) matches = self._check_matches(matches) self.conn.session.add_all(matches) self.conn.session.commit()
@staticmethod def _check_matches( matches: typing.Iterable[model.Match] ) -> typing.Generator: """Guard against invalid matches by raising an InvalidMatchError for forbidden Match parameters :param matches: Iterable of Match objects :type matches: typing.Iterable[model.Match] :raises ValueError: Raised if match start cannot be coorced to an integer :raises ValueError: Raised if match end cannot be coorced to an integer :raises ValueError: Raised if match weight cannot be coorced to a float :raises ValueError: Raised if match weight is not in the range 0 to 1 :return: yield each match :rtype: typing.Generator[model.Match, None, None] """ for match in matches: try: start = int(match.start) except ValueError: raise ValueError( '<Match(start={}, end={}, weight={})>, \ match start must be int' ) try: end = int(match.end) except ValueError: raise ValueError( '<Match(start={}, end={}, weight={})>, \ match end must be int' ) try: weight = float(match.weight) except ValueError: raise ValueError( '<Match(start={}, end={}, weight={})>,\ match weight must be number' ) if not 0 < weight <= 1: raise ValueError( '<Match(start={}, end={}, weight={})>,\ bounds error: 0 < weight <= 1' ) yield match def _query_nodes(self): nodes = self.conn.session.query(model.Node).join( model.Query, model.Node.graph_id == model.Query.start_graph_id ).filter(model.Query.query_id == self.query_id).all() nodes = [ Node(n.node_id, 'query', json.loads(n.meta)) for n in nodes ] return nodes def _query_edges(self): edges = self.conn.session.query(model.Edge).join( model.Query, model.Edge.graph_id == model.Query.start_graph_id ).filter( model.Query.query_id == self.query_id ).filter( model.Edge.start < model.Edge.end ) edges = [ Edge(e.start, e.end, 'query', json.loads(e.meta)) for e in edges ] return edges def _target_nodes(self): nodes = self.conn.session.query(model.Node).join( model.Query, model.Node.graph_id == model.Query.end_graph_id ).filter( model.Query.query_id == self.query_id ).join( model.Match, model.Node.node_id == model.Match.end ).filter( model.Match.end_graph_id == model.Node.graph_id ).filter( model.Match.query_id == model.Query.query_id ).order_by(model.Node.node_id.asc()).all() nodes = [ Node(n.node_id, 'target', json.loads(n.meta)) for n in nodes ] return nodes
[docs] @staticmethod def is_between(target_ids, edge): return edge.start in target_ids and edge.end in target_ids
def _target_edges(self, target_nodes, target_edges_arr): # only include target edges that are between the target nodes above EndMatch = sqlalchemy.alias(model.Match, "end_match") StartNode = sqlalchemy.alias(model.Node, "start_node") edges = self.conn.session.query(model.Edge).join( model.Node, model.Edge.start == model.Node.node_id ).join( StartNode, model.Edge.end == StartNode.c.node_id ).join( EndMatch, EndMatch.c.end == model.Node.node_id ).join( model.Query, model.Node.graph_id == model.Query.end_graph_id ).filter( model.Edge.start < model.Edge.end ).filter( StartNode.c.graph_id == model.Query.end_graph_id ).filter( EndMatch.c.end_graph_id == model.Query.end_graph_id ).filter( model.Edge.graph_id == model.Query.end_graph_id ).order_by(model.Edge.start.asc()).all() edges = [ Edge(e.start, e.end, 'target', json.loads(e.meta)) for e in edges ] return edges def _optimise(self, hopping_distance, max_iters, offsets): sql_query = self.query_id, h=hopping_distance, offsets=offsets ) records = sql_query.with_session(self.conn.session).all() packed = fornax.opt.solve( records, hopping_distance=hopping_distance, max_iters=max_iters ) inference_costs, subgraphs, iters, sz, target_edges_arr = packed return inference_costs, subgraphs, iters, sz, target_edges_arr @classmethod def _get_scores(cls, inference_costs, query_nodes, subgraphs, sz): scores = [] for subgraph in subgraphs: score = sum(inference_costs[k] for k in subgraph) score += sz - len(subgraph) score /= len(query_nodes) scores.append(score) return scores def _node_to_dict(self, node: Node) -> dict: """Return self as a json serialisable dictionary :return: dictionary with keys `id`, `type` and `meta` :rtype: dict """ return { # hash id with type so that the node id is unique to a given # submatch result **{ 'id': self.conn._hash((, node.type)), 'type': node.type }, **node.meta } def _edge_to_dict(self, edge: Edge): """Return self as a json serialisable dictionary Returns: dict -- dictionart with keys start, end, type, metadata and weight """ if edge.type == 'query' or edge.type == 'target': # hash start and end with the edge type # to make id unique within a subgraph match start = self.conn._hash((edge.start, edge.type)) end = self.conn._hash((edge.end, edge.type)) elif edge.type == 'match': # hash start and end with the edge type # to make id unique within a subgraph match start = self.conn._hash((edge.start, 'query')) end = self.conn._hash((edge.end, 'target')) return { **{ 'source': start, 'target': end, 'type': edge.type, 'weight': edge.weight }, **edge.meta }
[docs] def execute(self, n=5, hopping_distance=2, max_iters=10): """Execute a fuzzy subgraph matching query finding the top *n* subgraph matches between the query graph and the target graph. :param n: number of subgraph matches to return :type n: int, optional :param hopping_distance: lengthscale hyperparameter, defaults to 2 :type hopping_distance: int, optional :param max_iters: maximum number of optimisation iterations :type max_iters: int, optional :return: query result :rtype: dict """ offsets = None # TODO: implement batching self._check_exists() if not len(self): raise ValueError('Cannot execute query with no matches') graphs = [] query_nodes = sorted(self._query_nodes()) target_nodes = sorted(self._target_nodes()) # we will with get target edges from the optimiser # since the optimiser knows this anyway target_edges = None query_edges = sorted(self._query_edges()) packed = self._optimise(hopping_distance, max_iters, offsets) inference_costs, subgraphs, iters, sz, target_edges_arr = packed target_edges = self._target_edges(target_nodes, target_edges_arr) target_edges = sorted(target_edges) scores = self._get_scores(inference_costs, query_nodes, subgraphs, sz) # sort graphs by score then deturministicly by hashing idxs = sorted( enumerate(scores), key=lambda x: (x[1], self.conn._hash(tuple(subgraphs[x[0]]))) ) query_nodes_payload = [ self._node_to_dict(node) for node in query_nodes ] query_edges_payload = [ self._edge_to_dict(edge) for edge in query_edges ] target_nodes_payload = [ self._node_to_dict(node) for node in target_nodes ] target_edges_payload = [ self._edge_to_dict(edge) for edge in target_edges ] for i, score in idxs[:min(n, len(idxs))]: _, match_ends = zip(*subgraphs[i]) matches = [ self._edge_to_dict( Edge(s, e, 'match', {}, 1. - inference_costs[s, e]) ) for s, e in sorted(subgraphs[i]) ] match_ends = set( self.conn._hash((i, 'target')) for i in match_ends ) nxt_graph = { 'is_multigraph': False, 'cost': score, 'nodes': list(query_nodes_payload), # make a copy 'links': matches + list(query_edges_payload) # make a copy } nxt_graph['nodes'].extend([ n for n in target_nodes_payload if n['id'] in match_ends ]) nxt_graph['links'].extend( [ e for e in target_edges_payload if e['source'] in match_ends and e['target'] in match_ends ] ) graphs.append(nxt_graph) return { 'graphs': graphs, 'iters': iters, 'hopping_distance': hopping_distance, 'max_iters': max_iters }